Monday, May 17, 2010

What is the 21st Century Science and Technology Initiative?

Rep. John Hall recently visited students at the James I. O'Neill High School to announce that he secured $800,000 for a 21st Century Science and Technology Initiative for the Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District. 

The District is dedicated to the pursuit that all students are able to become responsible critical thinkers who are scientifically literate members of the global community. It is the responsibility of the District to provide the resources and staff development through which the teachers and students will implement an exemplary science and technology program that reflects the goals of the New York State Board of Regents Statewide Learning Technology Plan, National Science Education Standards, National Education Technology Standards and Performance Indicators (NETS) for Students, Teachers, and Administrators, as well as the Framework for 21st Century Skills. 

The initiative is developed from a belief, supported by research, that science and technology are critical components in our efforts to prepare our students as learners for the 21st century. In addition to the development of core academic subject knowledge and understanding among our students, we will build the essential skills, through science and technology, for success in today's world: global communication and collaboration, science literacy, critical thinking, and problem solving.

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